Want Long Luscious Lashes? Younique 3D Fibre Lashes, Here We Come!

Younique moodstruck 3d lashes

I recently got the chance to try out some new cool cosmetics from America and after having a little play around I thought I would introduce you to one of the stars of their show, the Younique 3D Fiber Lashes.

This mascara actually adds extra fibres to your eyelashes creating the appearance of more lashes as well as adding extra length.

When I received the products in the post, I thought this is the snazziest packaging ever. My glasses case looks so lame compared to this. Inside I found two mascara wands; the shorter one contains the fibres. When I opened it up it looked like a brush full of tiny fluffs. The second longer mascara is the Transplanting Gel, this makes the fibres stick to the lashes.

younique 3d fibre lashes case closedyounique 3d fibre lashes case open

I followed the instructions which said:

This gave me pretty good results, but I was a bit confused as to why I would use my own mascara.  As the photo’s I had seen seemed more dramatic I did wonder if I was doing it correctly. The kind lady Jamie ( @TiggerAlaska ) from Younique, told me that she gets better results when she misses out the first step of using mascara and just goes straight in with the Gel – then the fibres – then the gel again. After doing this I found the results much better.

You can really build up the lashes, if you like them super long you can apply more fibres to the tips of the lashes and another application of Gel.

What I personally liked most about this product was not the length it gave me, but all the extra fibres made it look like I actually have more eyelashes than I really do; I saw eyelashes spring up in places where I know eyelashes don’t grow.

Here are the results: Before

Younique moodstruck 3d lashes


Younique moodstruck 3d lashes

I really like them, I find the process does take longer than regular mascara, which is a draw back if your are impatient like me, however if you like a hole lot of lashes this is a really good product. It lasts all day and is easily removed just like other mascaras. I particularly like the fact you can build it up to create the desired dramatic effect.

Younique will be launching in the U.K in November.

For more tips tricks and reviews check out my beauty blog Tilly Li Loves

For more Younique reviews  Click here 

Written by the ever so effervescent Tilly Li


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