Number one selling artist Wretch 32, Anuvahood actor Jason Maza and a panel of indutsry experts will be joined in Brick Lane this September 19th by young people who want advice on how to turn their ideas into career, as part of CIDA’s (Cutural Industries Development Agency) inspirational initiative.

Joining Wretch 32 and Jason Maza will be professional design and print company Diri Creative Nerds, songwriter Carla Marie Williams from Big Mouth Entertainment, co-founder of Grime Daily Posty and Zeon Richards from Xyzee Music.

If you want to meet sucessful young entrepreneurs for CIDA’s third Next Generation event then email:

Entrepreneurs – the Next Generation is part of CIDA’s training programme for creative individuals and organisations based in Tower Hamlets, there also spaces for people outside of this area so get in contact now to avoid disappointment!