Here at Flavour we knew Beyonce and Jay-Z wouldn’t go down the route of being paid by a glossy magazine to show off their beautiful daughter Blue Ivy. Instead they created simple Tumblr page and released the pictures. Check a few of them out below.

Who do you think Blue Ivy looks like? Mommy or Daddy? Here are a couple of our readers comments from Facebook. Leave your thoughts in the comments box below.

Wrg London She is so beautiful even Jay Z must be amazed by her beauty I don’t think anyone was expecting her to look like she does bless her.

Kizzy Daily LoL Can you look see it or isit just me ….Look at the bigger picture of beyonce holding the baby it looks like the baby doing some gansta hand sign with her fingers LMAO…I KNOW YOU SEE IT!

Perltrece Kelly She looks like Beyonce had a surrogate mother. LOL SHE’S BEAUTIFUL BUT I REFUSE TO BELIEVE SHE WAS CREATED BY JAY Z.

Rachel Curtis Awww so cute. She looks like both of them and herself!! Absolutely beautiful!!!

Read things we love about Beyonce here.



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