Imagine a 15 tonne Volvo Truck dangling from its own towing hook, 20 meters above the water in Gothenburg harbor, Sweden. Then imagine standing on top of it. This is the hook of the most recent video stunt from Volvo Trucks, staring the company President, Claes Nilsson as stuntman. Normally, heads of major companies stay behind their desks but not this one. Volvo Trucks wanted to put their newest construction truck to the ultimate test. And what better way to test the truck’s robustness, than to have the truck hoisted more than 20 meters up in the air and then stand on the front panel?
“Well, I have to admit I had butterflies in my tummy before the event. I’m no mountain-climber and I don’t like heights. But I’d promised to do the stunt so I couldn’t very well back out,” says Claes Nilsson. This intense feature was shot from a helicopter and everything had been prepared in advance down to the tiniest detail.
“The idea behind the film – called ‘The Hook’ – is that we wanted to show that the truck’s front towing hook is dimensioned to handle far greater stresses than those to which it is normally subjected. It’s all about spotlighting the strength and quality of our construction trucks. And you can’t do that more clearly than by hoisting the 15 tonne truck up into the air via its own towing hook,” explains Claes Nilsson.
#TheHook is the first in a series of new, stunning and daring video stunts that will showcase the performance of Volvo Trucks’ models in ways never seen before. And Volvo Trucks knows how to make stunning stunts.
See how ‘The Hook’ was recorded:
Follow ‘The Hook’ on Twitter: @VolvoTrucks and #TheHook
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