#Ad: 1,000 Vintage Radios – Treasure or Trash?


The late Gerry Wells was an English eccentric. Ever since he was a child he was obsessed with cables, electrical fittings and radios.

Gerry made a career by fixing old TVs and radios – he began to collect them while other people threw them away as rubbish.

Gerry had a grand plan to preserve radio and TV equipment and he made it a reality. He found people with similar interests and founded groups and societies and he built up an empire that grew and grew. By 1974, his collection was so vast he founded the British Vintage Wireless and Television Museum in his West Dulwich home.

Stuff is Great - The Radio Collector

Safestore have been working with Collectors great and small in a series inspired by today’s throw-away culture. The self storage company aims to challenge modern ‘minimalist’ trends which suggest that throwing everything we own away is the key to happiness.

bush retro radio

Working first with a Slot Car collector, then Gerry and his Vintage Radios and with another partnership to come, we know this for sure: Gerry Wells and Safestore’s Collectors are most definitely something to be treasured.

You can view the videos on Safestore’s YouTube channel, Facebook page and Instagram.

This post is sponsored by Safestore

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