A round up of the weeks most flavoursome tweets. Who’s been making moves and who’s been living it up. Let the tweets commence!
1. Dry your eyes Sean Kingston, those school days are over.
Might sound weird but waking up this early just feels like I’m in high school again #realtalk I cnt lie I miss school. Those were the days (SeanKingston)
2. Looks like Rochelle (The Saturdays) has wardrobe issues.
Urghhhhh I need to ready in half an hour and I have NOTHING to wear (RochelleTheSats)
3. Taio Cruz has been making beats like it’s dynamite.
If you guys heard the beat I just made in my hotel room you’d lose your minds! #BlackLeather (TaioCruz)
4. Mario how could you not have time for a manicure
Damn I need a manicure don’t have time tonight… (MarioSoulTruth)
5. Flo Rida can’t handle the New York city clubs.
I love NYC night clubs (official_flo)
6. Very surprisingly, Selah wants Trey Songz out her house.
I was hoping Trey would be better. I’m bored (SuperstarSelah)
7. Adam Deacon is on a McD’s hype hype ting.
Hungry and can’t sleep..think im gonna go get myself a sausage n egg mcmuffin (realadamdeacon)
8. We know it’s emotional stuff Keisha but tears? Sorry no can do.
Anyone else cry watching the Royal wedding?! lol I Loooved Kate’s dress. Prince William and Harry looked great too (keisha_buchanan)
9. Instead of taking a real holiday, Dizzee Rascal spends Easter catching up with the latest movies.
Actually forget about limitless…Should i watch Thor or Fast and Furious?? (DizzeeRascal)
10. Britney Spears was born to make her boys happy by brewing them tea.
Had a great time at the boys’ tee ball game yesterday, made the boys mama’s homemade sweet tea after! (britneyspears)
Words by Melek Derebeyli