Now we know that celebrities want to stand out in the crowd, but perhaps this lot have taken it a bit too far.

It seems like the aim is no longer to look sexy and glamorous but to look the craziest. What ever happened to long, elegant gowns on the red carpet?

There’s nothing wrong with self expression through make up and clothes, but these celebs have a bit too much to express.

Quick! Somebody call the Fashion Police.

1) Lady Ga Ga: There’s no surprise that Lady Ga Ga has topped the list. I don’t think we’ve ever seen the Bad Romance singer looking remotely normal. Her dress sense is completely Ga Ga. Meat dress– Need I say more?

2) Nicki Minaj: At first it was the bright and colourful hair, but now Miss Minaj’s whole wardrobe has had a huge colour injection.

3) Katy Perry: Being the wife of super skinny jeans wearing Russell Brand, it’s no wonder Katy Perry style has gone from cute to umm… crazy

4) Ke$ha: Ke$sha has so many dollars, that she even spells her name with one. It’s a shame she doesn’t spend some on a decent outfit.

5) Kelis: Kelis has always had her own unique stlye, and who didn’t love her blonde and pink afro? But this is just weird.

6) Jordan AKA Katie Price: Need I say more?

7) Lil Kim: This hip hop honey doesn’t exactly dress sweet. Lil Kim scares me to be honest.

8 ) Madonna: She’s been around for a few decades and is old enough to be my mum… well actually my grandmother! The words mutton and lamb spring to my mind for some reason.

9) Rihanna: I know you probably looked twice when you saw Rihanna in this Top 10, and I would too. Normally Riri looks sexy and stylish, but there are those odd occasions when she looks damn right strange.

10) Jessie J: I would love to have a look through Jessie’s tights drawer, and maybe ladder a few pairs. Joking! But seriously, she does have A LOT of tights. Jessie J is another one who doesn’t necessarily dress bad, but she does have her wacky days.

Please note that  this is the Top Ten Wackiest Dressed celebs, not the worst dressed!

By Rykesha Hudson



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