Holidays with family never go as planned, and although you’d think that the Griswolds’ would know this by now, in outrageous new comedy Vacation the calamitous gang set off on a cross-country road-trip with disasters at every turn.

The film contains some of the most rude, awkward and disgusting scenes since American Pie, and so to celebrate Vacation’s release on August 21, we have put together a list of the foulest gross-out moments in films.

There’s Something About Mary (1998)

Theres something about mary

In the brilliant comedy starring a young Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz, one scene springs to mind – the hair gel scene. But of course, we all know that it is definitely not hair gel. Diaz’s character turns up for a date just as Stiller is ‘relieving’ himself. What he doesn’t realise is that his semen is all over his ear. So when Diaz spots it, she unknowingly assumes it is hair gel. And then puts in her hair, giving her an infamous quiff.

American Pie: The Wedding (2003)

American Pie

The American Pie series is renowned for being jam-packed with truly disgusting moments, making it hard to narrow down, but the ‘dog poo’ scene is up there with the best. When a dog eats the wedding ring, Stifler must wait for them to pass through naturally so no one catches on. When he finally locates it, guests are convinced he has chocolate in his hands and want a taste. The audience can already tell what is going to happen as Stifler quickly shoves the droppings into his mouth. And somehow manages to keep talking while gagging.

Bridesmaids (2011)


The bridal party in this hilarious, female-studded film take a turn for the worse when they get food poisoning while trying on dresses for the big day. In a case of five girls, one toilet, the ladies panic to find other ways to relieve themselves. Whilst Melissa’s McCarthy’s character is perched on the sink wearing the bridesmaid dress she was trying on earlier, much to the despair of the shopping assistant, the poor bride ends up going in the street. Classy.

Inbetweeners Movie 2 (2014)


These hysterical British films are renowned for pushing the boundaries with their revolting, but side-splitting scenes. But the water park scene stands out as genuinely stomach churning, as the gang decide to go on water flumes. Neil’s insides haven’t taken too kindly to Australian food so he farts, and in his words ‘follows through’. The poo escapes and go down the water flume, chasing Will who has no escape and ultimately gets slapped in the face by it. Cue Will vomiting profusely in the pool while everyone evacuates.

Vacation (2015)

Following on from the ‘National Lampoons’ classics (though you don’t need to have seen them beforehand), Vacation is consistently throwing balls-out humour, great one-liners and slapstick comedy at its audience. But it’s the absurdly disgusting moments that make the film unmissable.


In one memorable scene, the family think they’ve discovered a deserted hot water spring and immediately get in. As the parents smear ‘mud’ on their faces, the kids discover a syringe and the family quickly realise they are in fact swimming in a sewage dump. And you’d think their trip wouldn’t get any worse…

VACATION comes to cinemas August 21