Top female plastic surgeon talks about myths and facts on breast reconstruction

Female breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer as the most common cancer diagnosed globally.

Worldwide, more than 2 million new cases have lately been diagnosed in women. Successful therapy is unquestionably an occasion for celebration for those patients who have received a breast cancer diagnosis. However, for individuals with a mastectomy or lumpectomy as part of their therapy, the changes to how their breasts feel and appear can make many women angry and despondent. Thankfully, breast reconstruction surgery can assist in regaining breast size, shape, and sensation.

Female breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer as the most common cancer diagnosed globally. Worldwide, more than 2 million new cases have lately been diagnosed in women. Successful therapy is unquestionably an occasion for celebration for those patients who have received a breast cancer diagnosis. However, for individuals with a mastectomy or lumpectomy as part of their therapy, the changes to how their breasts feel and appear can make many women angry and despondent. Thankfully, breast reconstruction surgery can assist in regaining breast size, shape, and sensation.

Despite the abundance of information on breast reconstruction available online nowadays, there are still many myths about the operation. Fortunately, breast aesthetics expert Rozina Ali, MD, is determined to remove any false beliefs people may have regarding breast restoration surgery. In this post, Dr. Ali dispels the most pervasive stereotypes to aid women in continuing their education.

Breast reconstruction won’t be possible till after the mastectomy.

While it is true that multiple procedures may be performed during breast reconstruction surgery, women can have immediate reconstruction at the same time as a mastectomy, which often leads to the best results. The majority of women with early-stage (stage 1 or 2) breast cancer are eligible. Immediate breast restoration has the advantages of preserving the natural breast skin and minimizing scarring. The breasts of patients who choose quick reconstruction are rebuilt when they awaken, possibly saving them from additional procedures.

Your risk of breast cancer rises when you undergo breast reconstruction with implants.

Breast implants neither enhance your risk of developing breast cancer in the future nor do they really cause it. Furthermore, there is no proof that any type of breast reconstruction impairs the ability to find breast cancer in the future.

Breast reconstructions don’t appear natural.

Implants have advanced significantly since their invention because of developments in plastic surgery medicine. They are cosier and appear more natural thanks to new materials and processes. In terms of breast surgery, Dr. Rozina Ali has a wealth of experience and excellent results. The goal of breast augmentation is to produce a pert, shapely breast that feels soft and sits well on the curving chest wall. Rozina has a special talent for choosing implants that are the right size and form for the natural breast tissue and breast dimensions.

Your breast size cannot be altered.

It may take several procedures during breast reconstruction to create an implant space and prepare the muscle beneath the skin before an implant or flap operation. In addition, if you are unhappy with the outcomes, breast reconstruction can always be “fine-tuned” in the future. It is best to discuss your concerns with your doctor so that your reconstruction can be customized to meet your needs. 

Knowing the truth about breast reconstruction has made it simple to appreciate the many advantages of taking this next step. Do not let misunderstandings prevent you from learning more about breast reconstruction surgery. Choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who will take the time necessary to learn about your aesthetic goals and way of life during your initial appointment.

Images via Unsplash

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