We’ve seen a few trends come and go, especially approaching London fashion Week. All sorts of would be trends tickle our taste buds and have us predicting which will stick and which will be sample sale mishaps.

Over the last few years workwear as fashion has been making a splash. From the Timberlands and plaid shirt trend, made a fashion staple by Chris Brown.


To these interesting uses of safety wear as fashion from some of our favourtie celebs….


Rihanna teamed stockings with safety goggles at Paris fashion week five years ago, the look was seen on the catwalk but didn’t catch on.


Cara Delevigne went for Timberlands, the workmanship favourite boot, “so what” you may say, but the nod to high vis on her waist band gives the look a solid workman feel.


Beyonce, always the queen of taking it to the extreme, went all out with a full on builders yard look, safety hat and all.

If you want to get involved in the safety wear trend, go small with little touches for the fashion look. If you truly want to follow Beyonce check out a supplier like Engelbert-strauss.co.uk for authentic work styles.