Phil Clifton the young radio and tv presenter originally from Manchester is set to be a long standing name in the entertainment scene. After an initial spot on XFM in Manchester Phil has gone on to great things; Sony nominated Rising Star Award, presenting on Channel 4 and current presenting on XFM London with his popular Friday Night request show.

This year with a full diary of engagements I got a little time with the charismatic occasionally self-deprecating but evidently charming, Mr Clifton.

Your initial foray into radio was I heard all about your own persistence.

I was living in Manchester but I knew that I wanted to get into presenting but I did not know where to start so I got some work experience at XFM in Manchester and things just went from there. I decided to move to London and I called up XFM in London and told them what they needed to hear from experience to ability-I think when they asked me if I could do certain thinks I just basically said ‘yes’to everything and I got the job!

From there everything seemed to snowball.

Well yes I think so. I got the paid work at XFM and then a position opened up on the radio for a night shift and so I made a demo for that and I got the job. From there I was nominated for Sony Rising Star and that is how I was picked up by MTV and then of course the Channel 4 gig came from there. I think I have just really been lucky in what has happened.


One of your gigs was Freshly Squeezed that seemed like a really great time.

Freshly Squeezed was a lot of fun completely different to broadcasting. I got to interview just some really cool people like Denzil Washington who was just great fun. I have interviewed quite a few famous people so I do not really get nervous but when I sat down in a very small place I did feel a tad nervous talking to Denzil Washington. I don’t think he noticed but inside I was feeling he was the coolest guy ever.

And now you are doing your XFM gig you seem to have a lot of fun.

Well it’s great. Friday is the request show so there is not much prep you can do and then the Sunday morning show is myself and my producer Steve and we just chat about stuff over the week.

You actually talk some really random things on the show what is the most random thing from last year?

There is a place in Manchester that was selling free Christmas trees with a free doner kebab-it was typically Manchester!

What would be the best bit of advice for those wanting to get into radio presenting?

A person like Alex Zane is a great person to inspire because he is a brilliant broadcaster. The biggest lesson I have learnt however is to be yourself and talk about the things that you are genuinely interested in.

So what are your plans moving forward?

Keeping the focus going forward and enjoying what I do. I think it is best not to hope too much, it is better to just enjoy.

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