Dave Barros can’t get enough…

Do you think the relationship with dancing/choreography and social media will change?
It already has; social media has made it easy to share content so quickly. Footage or photos of a battle or a dance class can be up within a matter of hours – a positive outcome is it means dance reaches completely new audiences.

Why did you join Twitter?
Jonzi D told me it was the future. Back then I saw it just as another social network until I realised it was sometimes better for communicating with people than sending an email.

How have you utilised Twitter?
Every week I pose questions to my followers about current affairs in dance using the hash tag #TweetDance. Knowing what they think really helps to shape my editorial direction and cater to their interests, and gives them a voice.

Which #FF do you recommend?
@Mashable @bconvention

This is the Back To The Future issue – what item would you like to bring back to the future?
The Super Nintendo. Gaming simplicity at its greatest and the best in home entertainment.

If you had to summarise Twitter to a novice using just one sentence, what would you say?
Twitter is Facebook on a diet with better networking opportunities and fewer drunken photos.

Follow Dave Flave on Twitter

Blogger’s Delight

Style Slicker gets the high fashion vote and makes it to the top of the blogs…

Kit Lee of Style Slicker is no ordinary fashion blogger. Already championed by Vogue Italia, this full-time freelance blogger now works for the likes of United Colors of Benetton and she is a clear example of why the phrase ‘hard work pays off’ is a mantra worth taking seriously. Flavour talks to the style powerhouse about her rise to the top.

What is it about fashion that inspires you to write the way you do?
I wanted a diary to document what I do, from being a fashion assistant to fashion stylist. Working behind the scenes is visually appealing so I took up photography and shoot backstage at events, activities of all things random, and post them up on my blog.

On Style Slicker you call yourself a ‘visual diarist’, why?
I’m neither a writer nor a journalist and writing is not my forte. Coming from a styling background, I’m a very visual and creative person with explosive ideas, hence why my blog is visual based.

Did you ever think that blogging would take off?  
I never thought blogging would be my full-time job, and to be given a lot of opportunities to collaborate with brands is amazing. Thanks to my passion and sacrifice I wouldn’t be where I am now.

What has been your biggest blogging achievement so far?
My blog was named as ‘Blogger of the Week’ and a recommended read by Vogue Italia.

It has a very personal feel to it – was that a conscious decision from the start?
Yes, my blog has a personal feel to it, containing informal conversational text and visual images, which appeals to my international readers – it’s a way to form an engaging and personal friendship with readers.

If you had to choose between fashion and travel, which is your favourite thing to blog about?
I would choose travel; there are so many countries and cultures I haven’t yet explored – I haven’t been to the States yet!

What is your goal, what are you working towards?
To be a successful fashion stylist
and blogger.

What advice do you have for any of our readers out there wanting to start their own blog?
My advice is: find your own niche, a clean content with non-cluttered sidebar; sign up with wordpress.com for a simple template.
If you could bring a particular item from your childhood back to the future, what would it be and why?
A retro Game Boy. I love all things retro. I own countless retro and vintage cameras.

Follow Kit Lee on Twitter
@StyleSlicker or visit