The cost of living in the UK vs wages

We wanted to share the infographic with all our Flavourmag readers which compares the cost of living in the UK vs wages.

Brought to you by Swift Money the new infographic shares some stunning results. For instance, did you know that the average house price in England has risen a shocking 284%? or that in August 1999 the average house price in England was £74,096. Fast forward to 2014 and the average house price was £177,824 pretty shocking right?

Well fast forward just 1 year after that, to 2015 and what used to be £177,824 is now averaging at £284,503 WOW.

Now if you take a look at the rise in UK wages, wait for it… Yes you’ve guessed it. It’s nowhere near the as sharp as the rise in house prices or rent. Wages have risen from £20,800 in 1999 to £26,394 in 2015.

Take a look at the infographic below and you will see for yourself.


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