The fun and festivities are officially over leaving most of us feeling down in the dumps. The Christmas lights are off as the dark gloomy-grey skies engulf every last feeling of fun. You’ve over spent during the Christmas period and your bank balance is desperately trying to stay in existence.  Plus January’s pay check  just seems a little far away and it doesn’t when you are constantly reminded that everywhere on the high street there’s a sale going on!

Well not to worry my fashion frustrated friend there are plenty of ways to update your wardrobe, its time to go balling on a budget with something called Swishing. This is also known as clothes swapping and is the latest fashion frenzy to hit the U.K. Here’s how it works; call up a group of your trendy girlfriends and ask them to bring some unwanted clothes to your swapping soirée. Each attendee must bring at least  1 item of clothing  in exchange for an item or more. It is totally up to you how you organise this stylish social but cocktails, cupcakes and a catch up is known to be great elements of these get togethers.

Organising a swapping party can be a bit of a hassle but there are various options for swishing. Online there are swishing services where you can swap your clothes via the net. This is perfect for the fashionista on the go or for those who simply want to empty their wardrobe check out What about vintage swishing? Visist the grandparents I’m sure there’s plenty of hot pieces that need to be hand picked for that wardrobe.Forget the sales we encourage you to exchange your clothes, get economical during the January blues.


Top 3 Swishers

Sat 26th January 2013, Old Spitalfields Market, Brushfield Street, Spitalfields, London, E1 6AA