
Launching simultaneously across 5 major cities: London, Berlin, Tokyo, New York and Sydney, Smartbox invited Flavour, other journalists, bloggers and a few members of the public to take part in the first worldwide experience hunt. The principle is simple: the competitors have to solve clues in order to reach the location of the final and ultimate experience.

We met at 09:45am at the Smartbox Unforgettable Experience Hunt headquarters on Grays Inn Road for breakfast. On arrival we were split into 6 teams of 6 people with Flavour’s CEO/Publisher Leonard Foster and I being put in the Sweet Green team along with Kati Gray, Tom Webster, Gemma Russell and Adam Mossop.

The Sweet Green team represented the following: a love of terracotta colours: moss and autumn leaves, they have a house heated with wood … they are ecology concerned, they sort and recycle, they travel by bicycle and water their garden.

Now, those that know me know that I’m nothing like the above and really wanted to have the label Urban Cool or The Glam Attack as those titles say Annika, but hey, it was just a tag. At the end of the day it’s not about the name it’s about the team and I knew we were gonna rock as we all hit it off straight away. Plus there were prizes to be won for the team that did the best on each task.


All 6 of us then jumped into black people carriers and felt like we were on The Apprentice as we proceeded to work out our first clue which led us to a music studio in Deptford. Here we were required to lay down vocals to a Christmas song and we were given Michael Buble’s White Christmas. We sounded awful but we had great fun recording it and laughing at all our own voices. We only spent an hour there and if you brought this gift in a Smartbox you would have 3 hours to create a pitch perfect song.

Next we moved onto a location in the city where The Perfume Studio awaited and we were required to create a men and women’s fragrance along with a name and tagline. For the men we came up with Krypton Knight – a woman’s only weakness and for the women it was called Sweet Addiction…lose yourself. We thought that our names were great and that we would definitely win this prize.

Our third clue led us to the roof of Tower 42 where we were taught golf techniques by an expert whilst looking out on the beautiful city of London with the Gurkin, Canary Wharf and The London eye in clear view.

At our last stop all six teams got together for some drinks, food, and one final experience: cocktail making with Bars by Design. The guys on our team battled against 3 people from each of the 5 other teams to make a Cosmopolitan, Mojito and B52. The winners of this challenge were given a cocktail making set. The guys on the Sweet Green team didn’t win but the drinks tasted perfect to us.


After a long but fun day it came the time for the prize giving where we came a respectable third winning an Adrenaline Smartbox which will allow us to fly, surf, glide and hover your way through spine tingling adventures.

More than 200 people across the globe took part in Smartbox’s unique, quirky experience. This was more than just a simple treasure hunt and the Flavour team had a fabulous time.

What is a Smartbox?
SmartboxTM is a brand new gift concept that gathers a range of activities under different themes. Each SmartboxTM provides truly unforgettable experiences that your family and friends can choose from with packages ranging from exhilarating activities to unusual getaways to giving someone you love the opportunity to do things they’ve always wanted to try.