Flavour Live-FEB

Baby Blue, Ayo from Channel 4s ‘The Family’, Angel, Daddy’ s Girls, Jasmia Robinson, Kasha, Effie and DéMandé set to perform at SLEEK PRESENTS FLAVOUR LIVE! Which will be hosted by entertainer Lateef Lovejoy.

To kick off the first Flavour Live of 2011 we are supporting the official launch party of UK Girl Fight – an exciting mix CD produced by DJ Melody Kane showcasing the cream of UK female divas, covering Hip-hop, Grime, R&B, Funky, Dubstep and Bashment.

Returning to Bedroom Bar on Thursday 10th February. This promises to be a night not to be missed and the perfect way to start the year with performances from Baby Blue, Ayo from Channel 4s ‘The Family’, Angel, Daddy’ s Girls, Jasmia Robinson, Kasha, Effie and DéMandé.

This live showcase always includes a dizzying array of musical acts and entertainers and has been positioned at the forefront of London’s creative music scene, with hundreds of people attending.

Popular youth lifestyle publication Flavour Magazine has built a solid reputation for supporting UK creative talent, Sleek hair is a high fashion brand with a distinct London look ‘n’ feel; and together they have teamed up to bring you Sleek presents ‘Flavour Live’, a monthly showcase featuring established and emerging music artists, comedians, musicians and poets. Put simply, the night is guaranteed to provide great entertainment.

To add your name to the guest list, or if you fancy stepping centre stage in front of music industry virtuosos, journalists and fans alike for our open mic section then email an MP3, image and bio to: flavourlive@flavourmag.co.uk

Sleek presents Flavour Live at Bedroom Bar
Date: Thursday 10th February 2011
Address: 62 Rivington Street, EC2A 3AY
Entry: £10 on the door, £5 on the guest list. To get on the guest list email flavourlive@flavourmag.co.uk no later than Monday 9th February
Time: 7.30pm -12am (1st act onstage 8.30pm sharp)
DJs: Sir Big Kid, DJ Chef, DJ Cozie & Ashinel

For more information and line up details visit:
For more information on Sleek Hair visit: www.sleek.co.uk

For information on UK Girl Fight visit or for press interviews on the night contact: All-Star Marketing & Media – Call: 07956 826 606 email: ade@urbanallstar.com

Check out the mix here: http://soundcloud.com/the-official-kingmaker/uk-girl-fight-mix-cd-sampler-by-dj-melody-kane

Melody Kane is spearheading this mouth-watering ‘All Singing, All Rapping, All Female movement’ by using her breathtaking mixing skills to produce a mix CD packed with knock out blows! She is currently achieving ‘Rock Star’ like status with regular performances throughout London & the South of England. Her impact has been so seismic that in 2008 she made history by becoming the first and only UK female DJ invited to be a core member of one of the world’s largest international DJ crews ‘The Bum Squad DJZ’!