See Tyra Banks transform in to Iman, Jerry Hall, Cara Delevigne, Karlie Kloss and more

Tyra Banks Presents 15

Tyra Banks has transformed herself into the likes of Iman, Jerry Hall, Cara Delevigne, Karlie Kloss and more in Tyra Banks Present 15.

The supermodel to mogul has transformed herself into fifteen of the world’s most iconic models, past and present, in a series of un-retouched black and white photographs.

With creative direction from Ty-Ron Mayes, hairstyling from Sher Rae Tucker and makeup by Emmy award-winning make-up artist Valente Frazier, Tyra Banks looks uncanny in these images that are almost as close to the real thing (or not, you decide?).

Tara Banks as herself at 15 years old
Tara Banks as herself at 15 years old
Tara Banks as Grace Jones
Tara Banks as Claudia Schiffer
Tara Banks as Cindy Crawford
Tara Banks as Carmen Dell’Orefice
Tara Banks as Cara Delevingne
Tara Banks as Brooke Shields
Tara Banks tributes Lauren Hutton
Tara Banks as Twiggy
Tara Banks as Linda Evanglista
Tara Banks as Kate Moss
Tara Banks as Kate Upton
Tara Banks as Karlie Kloss
Tara Banks as Jerry Hall
Tara Banks as Iman
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