Set in the fictional town of Palisades, California, the series follows six teenagers through their fun-filled days at Bayside High School and their antic filled nights at their favourite hang out The Max.
Heartthrobs Zack and A.C are forever vying for the attention of the prettiest and the most popular girl in school, like cheerleader Kelly. Screech is the class clown and electronics genius, and fashion conscious Lisa is mostly occupied with expanding her wardrobe. Jessie is the neutralising force, often trying to convince the gang to do the right thing, all while school principal Mr Belding is continuously trying to connect with the younger generation. Enjoy for the first time all 16 episodes from the first season of this much loved show from March 22nd 2010.
And guess what? Flavour has 3 copies of the series to giveaway. To be in with a chance to win simply write the name of your favourite character from the series in the box below.
Pre-order Saved by the Bell now at Amazon.