The new now TV box is a new way of getting your standard TV and making it in to smart TV for under £10. if you do not have Sky or a smart TV it is a great way to be able to have quick internet access and be able to watch the Eastenders episode you missed on a big screen instead of having to watch on a small laptop, by being able to watch BBC iplayer. It’s also a  great product if you want to have movies or sky sports but you do not want to buy the whole package of SKY.

This product connects to your wifi box quickly and effectively and has a good wifi range. I would recommend this product if you are not a Sky custumer already or you don’t have it in your bedroom or a games console to connect to, however you want to watch sport or movies and want to be able to watch demand on your TV. The box is about the size of a beer mat and is very convenient and is neat and tidy and takes up very little space. it’s easy to connect with your TV as it just needs a standard HDMI lead which comes with the box  and also needs a basic power cable which is included.

Words: Kai Beck