John “Breacher” Wharton (Arnold Schwarzenegger), is a commander of an elite squad of DEA operatives with a commission to take down the world’s deadliest drug cartels. When the team successfully carry out a high stakes raid on a cartel safe they think there job is over, how wrong they could be. One by one each team member is mysteriously eliminated it soon becomes a race to find out who is responsible, anyone and everyone becomes a suspect. This could be the work of the devil within.

Brought to us by the writer of Training Day and the director of End of Watch and starring alongside Schwarzenegger, who gives one of his best performances since his political life was over, is Sam Worthington, Terence Howard. This film is full of gruesome violence but without much purpose. The trailer may suggest this is very much action centric but deep down this is a mystery thriller which actually give’s the actors a chance to do some real acting instead of posing stupidly, as you would expect, with their big weapons.

See if you liked: S.W.A.T, The Expendables


Frank starring Michael Fassbender and Domnhall Gleeson | Film4 Official Trailer

A young wannabe musician, Jon (Domhnall Gleeson), finds himself really rather out of his depth when he joins an avant-garde pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank, a musical genius who hides his real identity behind a large fake head and the terrifying band mate Clara.

Acclaimed Irish Director, Lenny Abrahamson follows up his work with this offbeat comedy. The whole film is inspired by a fictional character called Frank Sidebottom, who, to people of a certain age, will be very familiar with. With Michael Fassbender playing Frank, the film portrays a punkish kind of humour with a whole lot of heart. However, for me I’m still slightly confused to the whole concept. I remember Frank from my youth and I just don’t get the point of bringing him to the big screen. I suggest you see it for yourself as I simply can’t give my view on this one.

See if you liked: Adam & Paul, 24 Hour Party People.


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