New online comedy series OnesNTwos will have you laughing out loud

Ones n Twos is a unique online comedy series that follows the lives of an eclectic bunch of DJs that broadcast live on pirate radio station OnesNTwos FM – the biggest little station in London.

In each episode the DJs broadcast from the stations custom built studio in the station manager’s girlfriends flat. With clashing personalities, secret crushes and power struggles life is never simple for the team at OnesnTwos FM.

This 12 x 10 min series takes the classic sitcom format placing it online for a great mix of humour, drama, comedy and entertainment. If you loved Desmonds, The Fresh Prince of Belair and The Real McKoy then you’ll love this. Don’t miss out. Subscribe to the OnesNTwosTV YouTube channel to get the first episode in your inbox.

Ones N Twos will be released on YouTube @OnesNTwosTV on 14 November 2013 at 7pm. Subscribe to the channel and follow OnesNTwosTV on Twitter and Facebook

Written by Annika Allen, Ben Peters and Marc Senior


Danny ‘Slim’ Gray, Kat B, Mighty Moe, Axel Comedian, Linden Walcott-Burton Leonie Elliot, Paris Robin, Lenéa Herew, Ava Charles, Monique Fontaine, Michael Moulton, Johnathan Ukeuku and Wakjira Feyesa

Photography by

OnesNTwos FM - DJ Rudie

OnesNTwos FM - Stephanie

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