Michelle Obama, SJP & Kerry Washington star on Glamour Magazine Cover

We could only dream of having a cover like this. Michelle Obama, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kerry Washington stars on the new May 2015 Glamour Magazine cover. But why?

Michelle Obama, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kerry Washington glamour magazine cover 2015 full

These 3 powerful women Michelle Obama, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kerry Washington have joined together to discuss an important cause—women in the armed forces including veterans and military wives. Yes its a fashion magazine and its not the Guardian or the Observer, but nonetheless, we are looking forward to reading what these wonderful women have to say.

As Kerry Washington says, “There is this idea that those who serve are untouchable heroes. [But] the more we hear what people are going through, [we realize] it’s what every woman is going through…. The challenges are just put under a magnifying glass because their lives are so extraordinary.”


Michelle Obama, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kerry Washington all look lush and look forward to seeing more of these types of photo shoots and features with role model women that can inspire a nation.


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