Mean and Moody Image Released for Jason Bourne.

A sizzling new image of Matt Damon as Jason Bourne has been released today, as seen in this month’s Total Film cover feature.

Damon, who just oozes Bourne‘s mean and moody sexiness in this new image would fit right in on the cover of Vogue.

Jason Bourne

JASON BOURNE sees original actor and director, Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass, return to the iconic series they created along with Alicia Vikander, Julia Stiles, Vincent Cassel and Tommy Lee Jones.

Director Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon comment in the latest Total Film cover feature on bringing Bourne back to the big screen in JASON BOURNE:

Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon on why they made a new Bourne…

“I remember saying to Matt, ‘But why would we do one after so long? What would be the point of it?’” recalls Greengrass. “I remember him saying this very clearly. He said, ‘Well, because people really want one.’ [laughs]” That privilege struck a chord. “People would come up to us on the street and always ask, ‘Are you guys going to make another one of these movies?’” adds Damon. “Just that alone, and being in the movie business long enough and realising what a gift it is, what a big deal it is to have an audience that is actually there and really wants to see something – it’s not to be taken lightly.”

JASON BOURNE will be released in UK cinemas July 27th.

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