Here at Flavour we have been supporting the rather special talents of Little Simz for a while.

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In truth I am not sure if she would appreciate the term ‘femcee’ since she probably sees herself more of an artist-I hasten to add that being deemed a femcee is not an inferior art but in terms of semantics , I would agree should she have this opinion-she is an ‘artist’-Live Lounges and general performances I feel are a testimony to that.

My assumptions aside, Little Simz will be dropping a debut album A Curious Tale Of Trials + Persons and it has been building to this pivotal moment for a while now. Performances, releases, scintillating live sessions and columns in the most important publications-last one if I remember rightly was in the Guardian.

Little Simz’s album is likely to be; brilliant, diverse, lyrically verbose and ultimately an award winner.

Little Simz has trodden a well planned (in many respects) route which is courtesy I assume of her manager Eddie (to an extent). While of course planning comes courtesy of her manager, the astute beat choices, her own individual vision and of course her talented ability to create verses that do not reside in formulaic subject matter that can make ‘hip-hop’ ‘rap’ boring are pivotal to her current standing and current stature.

Like female rappers and artists before her ( I think she is most similar to Speech Debelle) she has put the UK, certainly from the ‘urban fraternity’ she resides in on the map again. Importantly she has started out as she means to go-she’s hip-hop with more scope.

Little Simz…….is just as popular to SBTV as she is to Guardian readers.

Yes she can do the whole Little Simz and a dj dropping her beats but she can, with total confidence do the whole live band set-up meaning that she is just as popular to SBTV as she is to Guardian readers.

Dammit Little Simz has learnt from her inspirations and predecessors and forged a musical career that has opened up her market to a wider, more diverse and at times more experimental demographic. Indeed for future projects Little Simz (within reason) can delve into a plethora of genres and experiment with a great deal of impunity without alienating her audience

Hopefully I will not put the hex on said album and Little Simz (I doubt this however, even the might of Poseidon cannot stop this inevitability) but Little Simz’s album is likely to be; brilliant, diverse, lyrically verbose and ultimately an award winner.

Check out her track Wings suitably intoxicating.


“AGE 101: Drop The World” tour dates:

Way Out West Festival 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden – Thursday 13 August  – Saturday 15 August

PUKKLEPOP FESTIVAL 2015, Hasselt, Belgium – 20 – 22 August

Outlook Festival 2015, Pula, Croatia – Wednesday 02 September – Sunday 06 September