Keeping It Real Pt 8: A Diary of an up & coming presenter…

Okay… So anyone who truly loves music will have fallen victim to watching reality TV shows such as MTV’s Making The Band or Breaking From Above and seen the ‘So Called’ struggle of trying to make it in the music industry. I say ‘So Called’ not to discredit the artists, because although these shows feature real artists just like myself trying to achieve their dreams they also have huge TV or record label deals behind them. As well as having a team of experts supporting them for example choreographers, vocal coaches and even if they don’t make the cut they gain HUGE media exposure…. So I ask the question ‘Is this really reality?’

I started this column as an up and coming singer/songwriter who had already experienced my fair share of highs and lows in the music industry I was invited to share with the Flavour readers my personal journey, the truth about both the highs and lows of trying to make it without all of the perks of a reality TV show. But then life threw me a curveball by presenting me with an opportunity to become a TV presenter for MTV ‘Wrap up’ and I figured “Why not”.

My Article will feature everything I get up to on my journey as an up & coming TV Presenter / Singer-Songwriter. I will document the highs and the lows and of course the unexpected twists and turns to my journey. You’ll also hear all the behind the scenes gossip from the industry events that I manage to blag myself into…

I introduce you to ‘Keeping it Real’….


Hey Flavour Mag readers, Thanks for returning to read part 8 of my column ‘Keeping it real’.

So a lot has happened since my last column and it’s all been very positive. Since embarking on my new career as a presenter the doors have been opening for me and I feel very blessed.

Firstly I have been fortunate enough to have recently signed as a presenter with talent management agency ‘Red 24 Management’ Please all check out my presenter profile and let me know what you all think on twitter @Shanie_MissJinx:

I’ve also become the new face of urban entertainment website GRM DailyNews ( I am the new presenter for their #GRMNews weekly segment. It’s such a fun gig to present with lots of laughs some of which make it into the hilarious outtakes at the end of the news each week! I have also teamed up with Discovering Arts Music Group (DAMG) to become the new presenter and host of a new weekly residency at The Brixton Jam. The event will help up & coming musicians and bands show case their talent in front of an audience filled with music industry bigwigs. I’ll be posting the online coverage in my next column, but if you’d like to attend tickets are available for £8.00 from

The biggest news for me this week is I was approached to feature in The Daily Star Sunday newspaper in a “Rising star piece”about my journey from dancing, music to presenting.


Big Thank you to all at The Daily Star including Ella Buchan who approached my management and wrote the piece.

On the music front…. about a year ago I recorded a track with one of my favourite UK producers Davinche. The track was recently picked up by UK rapper Dru Blu who after hearing my version of the song asked me to feature on his version of the track with my vocals staying on the hook. Hopefully you all get to hear it soon. It’s a little controversial for me as I recorded it when I’d just split from my former girl group Duchess so it’s a rather angry track over anything else I’ve ever recorded but they say all the best songs come from a place of raw emotion don’t they?!? LOL

This week I just want to point out to my readers that a lot has happened for me in the small time frame of a few months. If you put your mind to something and put yourself out there you really can achieve whatever you put your mind too. This is just the beginning of my journey in TV land, but I am hopeful that big things are on the horizon for me. So if you have an idea or a dream or you want to be a singer, an actor, a dancer or a presenter, whatever your dream is; make a start today! Learn your craft, reach out to the right people, use the world of online as your platform to show case your talents, what have you got to loose. Just go for it!


EVENT: Nike Air Max Launch Party #AirWeBreath

VENUE: The London Film Museum


WHO WAS THERE: Giggs, JME, G Frsh, Adam Deacon, Skepta, Eliza Doolittle, DJ Luck & MC Neat, Jamal Edwards

DRINKS: Drinks we’re sponsored by Absolute Vokda. So yummy vodka cocktails as well as Heston Blumenthal style dry ice cocktails.

FOOD: The food was delicious. A selection of quirky elegant canapés, as well as mini hot dogs & burgers.

GOODIE BAG: No goodie bags but I think a free Nike Fuel band & a pair of custom designed Nike ID trainers count as goodies don’t you?


I was recently invited down to the Nike Air Max launch party #AirWeBreath at the London Film Museum in Covent Garden.

The event was really well put together with art gallery style displays of Nike Air Max classic styles & vintage Trainers lining the entrance way of this cool underground exposed brick venue.

The walls donned Neon Nike logo’s & especially created Nike Art work and we were served quirky canapé’s accompanied by Heston Blumenthal style dry ice cocktails. The event was sponsored by Absolute Vodka so the drinks were flowing freely as we’re the free Nike gifts and the celebrity attendee’s including Skepta, Giggs, GFsh , Adam Deacon, Eliza Doolittle, DJ Luck & MC Neat to name but a few. A selection of DJ’s including Mista Jam (Radio 1Xtra) BTrait& Twin B provided an eclectic mix of music.

Nike recently launched their new Nike Fuel Bands; a high tech data tracking wrist band which measures information like the amount of calories burned and the amount of steps taken that day. It’s a fun way to see how lazy you are or aren’t if your a gym bunny, I be sure to update you all on how I’m getting on with mine! Also on the freebie list for a selected few we’re the chance to design some custom designed Nike Air Max trainers! Being that I’m the most indecisive person on the planet this was a real challenge for me but I finally settled on designing a pair with my favourite colour green as the main colour followed by a splash of neon pink, Check them out…

….. and of course I couldn’t leave out my nickname ‘Miss Jinx’ which now proudly features on the heels of my new trainers! Thanks Nike!

Overall the event had a great vibe and really seemed a success. I personally had a great time and it was fun to share the experience with my little sister Karis, my little brother Joshua and my boyfriend Tony.


This week I’m sticking with the decision of Team MTV Wrap Up who crowned 19 year-old Ebony Day the winner of Brand new 2013. She’s already racked up over 19,000 views on You Tube with her innocent vocals covering tracks like Rihanna ‘Stay’ & One Direction’s ‘Kiss you’.

Check her out here:


Follow on Twitter @EbonyDay1


As an up & coming artist or presenter you’re not going to start out earning the big bucks so for now it’s all about the freebies…(Laughs)

A big thank you to the guys over at Bass Buds for my Bass bud earphones in no less than 8 different colours. The in-ear speakers come in different sizes for comfort as well as different colours including Swarovski crystal elements for fashion. They definitely get the thumbs up from me.



@JamalEdwards “You’ve first got to believe in yourself because if you don’t, why should somebody else? #SelfBeliever

By Shanie Ryan…Presenter / Singer / Songwriter

Follow me on Twitter & Instagram: @Shanie_MissJinx

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