James McAvoy & Daniel Radcliffe star in first trailer for VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN


Finally, it’s arrived, the very first trailer and image for Victor Frankenstein, starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe. This fresh take on Mary Shelley’s classic story is brought to you by director Paul McGuigan (Gangster #1, Push, Sherlock) and is written by Max Landis (Chronicle).

Again we get to see both Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy in a period piece and we couldn’t be happier, both actors have that certain something when it comes to playing the old English gentleman. It’s about time our beloved Radcliffe and McAvoy teamed up and repped for the UK, both can do no wrong in our eyes, especially when we have a soft spot for the subtle good looks of the delectable McAvoy.


James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe star in a dynamic and thrilling twist on a legendary tale.  Radical scientist Victor Frankenstein (James McAvoy) and his equally brilliant protégé Igor Strausman (Daniel Radcliffe) share a noble vision of aiding humanity through their groundbreaking research into immortality. But Victor’s experiments go too far, and his obsession has horrifying consequences.  Only Igor can bring his friend back from the brink of madness and save him from his monstrous creation.

Victor Frankenstein | Official HD Trailer #1 | 2015

Victor Frankenstein will be released in cinemas in the UK on December 4th.

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