Maxine Ashley is a 20-year old singer/songwriter who first created a name for herself on YouTube. The Bronx native let fans into her everyday life but also showcased her vocal ability by covering R&B records. Maxine’s channel has now amassed over 9 million views, making her an Internet sensation. So with all this buzz the singer has decided to take the next step in her career by releasing debut EP ‘MoodSwings’. The EP touts production from Grammy award winners Krucial and Pharrell Williams. It is great quality music and first single ‘Glory Box’ proves this. Quite frankly we think this is only the beginning for Maxine Ashley, she is definitely of the cusp of super stardom!

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You have a new single Glory Box, tell us a bit about the song?
It’s a cover of one of my favorite songs. Also I was feeling some type of way that day. I WANT TO BE A WOMAN DAMN IT!(laughs). But not in a literal sense just in a way that only a man or another woman can make you feel. Whatever floats your boat man.

It is also taken off your new EP MoodSwings, which we love, where did you come up with the concept for this EP?
I want each song I do to portray some kind of emotion. We’re human; we don’t feel just one type way every day. We go through changes which makes us have ‘MoodSwings’ I know I have them like every day. One minute I can be happy and the next I’m irritated as fuck! (laughs)…life.

What do you think will be the next release off the EP?
You’ll have to stick around and see. I’m always experimenting with different sounds…I’m really trying to push myself with this next one. I want to be so proud of it that no one can stop talking about it!

Now you have Pharrell Williams on production, what was it like working with him?
It’s chill. He’s a chill guy.

So apart from the legend that is Pharrell Williams are there any other artists that inspire you?
Everyday people inspire me. Every artist inspires me, good and bad. I can learn how they got big and what not to do or be like. I find it best to just always be you. It’s cool being influenced and inspired by something or someone but it isn’t cool to try to be exactly like them. Be your own inspiration. Fuck that!

You started off doing covers on YouTube and have essentially become a YouTube sensation. What made you decide to showcase your music there and how has it helped your career?
Back when YouTube first started it was the hottest shit, so of course I had to jump on that wave (laughs). I mean look where I am now. I wouldn’t be doing any of this if it wasn’t for YouTube. It got me the little push I needed, now it’s up to me to push and be the star I want and will be.

How would you describe your style of music?
Maxine Ashley. I’d rather let others put me in their own box.

You have been categorized as an R&B vocalist; do you see yourself as that?
Shoot if they categorized me as a rock artist i think i can see myself that way too (laughs).

In terms of fashion, how would you describe your style?
Comfy and random.


We notice you have your septum pierced, did that hurt? And do you have any more piercings?
Nah, it didn’t at all actually. Yes I have my nose, septum and tongue pierced…I had it pierced 4 times, 3 different ways. I had gauges (0’0) but took them out now I have that flap earlobe thing and a second earhole (laughs). Honestly I don’t really like piercings because they’re too much to take care. I think the ones I have are the easiest to care for though.

Do you see the piercings and tattoos as another expression of your art?
Hell yeah, I LOOOOVE tattoos, I would be covered in them! It’s a beautiful artistic way of expressing yourself, a permanent reminder or story on your body. I love big color pieces and sleeves with cool themes. They also can say A LOT about the person.

Back to music, can we expect an album or tour one day?
Of course, expect many great big things. No matter how long it takes and no matter if I fall off I will ALWAYS find a way to get back up and push even harder. This isn’t a game for me, this is my life. I’ve been doing NOTHING else but this. There’s nothing or no one who can stop me! It’s my happiness.

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
Number 1’s, awards, reaching the hearts of BILLIONS, being bigger than I ever thought possible.

Finally, is there anything you’d like to tell the Flavourmag readers?
Find out what you love and STICK with it, FIGHT for it, stay humble and grounded, never lose sight of who you are and you’re happiness. Win this game of monopoly your way because we are all living in a world created by other people’s fantasy why not live in your own? Oh and DOWNLOAD my EP MoodSwings out now on and my Soundclound ( please and THANK YOU guys for reading! ^_^

For more follow Maxine Ashley on Twitter @MaxineAshley


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