You look like you are in great shape! What is your secret?
Lots of hard work and dedication. No secrets. It is a lifestyle you adapt to & keep on making goals to better yourself & improve your physique.
What is your favourite healthy snack?
The new whey hey ice cream! It is insanely good!
Would you say you eat healthily?
Overall I have a healthy diet, packed with protein, vegetables & a fine balance of carbs. Of course I have cheat meals and days where I have a blow out but we are all human and sometimes its good for the body to have a shock of normality! Like everything it is all in moderation.
How often do you work out?
6 days a week most weeks unless work takes over. I train in the evenings as I have zero energy to workout at 6am! Holding down two jobs as an estate agent and barman has its frustrations of keeping on top of everything in my fitness goals but I get through it.
If you could give our readers tip to stay healthy, what would it be?
Start with small steps and introduce things bit by bit but make sure you have reasonable goals and targets and something to aim for otherwise where is the motivation to succeed? Have a role model & someone to look up to but realise you will never look like them as we all have different body types and never copy someones programme and diet – if they are in shape these would have been tailored specifically for them.
Can you cook? If so what is your dish of choice?
Yes I can and my favourite meal to cook is chilli con carne – either with rice or if i’m on zero or little carbs then on a bed of roasted vegetables. Tasty!
What is your favourite type of cuisine? E.g. Chinese,Italian,Thai?
Favourite cuisine is Chinese – you can not go wrong. The starter selection of satay chicken, prawn toast, seaweed then on to crispy duck and then chicken in black bean sauce, pad thai noodles
Tell us about your exercise regime.
I exercise six times a week and on average I train 2 body parts a night on rotation with a circuit/HIIT session every week as my form of cardio. I keep things fresh and change my programme every couple of months and also depends on my goals at the time, lean mass, shredding for a shoot etc…
Do you take any supplements?
Whey protein 2-3 times a day most importantly in the morning & post workout. I take what should be standard vitamins every day of vitamin c, omega 3, multi vitamin every morning with the occasional pre workout if i’m not too late in my training. My brand of choice is I-Supp, fantastic quality, flavours and ambassadors to look up to – real people with real results.
How do you wind down after a stressful day?
The gym is my escape so it works out very well – good stress release. If i’m tired and need to relax even more I will go into the spa and relax in the steam room and sauna and just switch off from the world.
Everyone’s allowed a treat, so what is your guilty pleasure food?
Maltesars and skittles are my guilty treats. If it was a full on meal I am addicted to Nandos which in all fairness is pretty good all round but I sometimes have it 3-4 times a week – fill in the work lunch voids and occasional post workout meal with friends.
What gives you confidence?
My results have definitely given me more confidence in myself. I am always looking for more and picking holes in my body to constantly better myself. My PT – Europe’s top cover model, Olly Foster keeps me going and the confidence in myself to prove I can do it & succeed in my goals.
How do you stay organised?
I am very organised, it takes time. Prepping food, shopping, work, gym, socialising etc…. you just try to plan ahead and make sure you do what you need to do. It depends how much you really want something to make the occasional sacrifice to do it. I love structure in my life and am always on the go 24/7 so just about find the time to do everything I need.
Do you have a workout buddy?
Unfortunately not, occasionally there will be someone once every few weeks I train with but it is hard to really push yourself to the max and I would love to have a regular buddy but life and timings get in the way.
What food could you not live without?
Steak and eggs – I love them far too much. Quick, easy and soooo good for you. It is my breakfast and most important meal of the day after all!
What do you think of alternative therapies such as homeopathy,reflexology etc?
They all have their place and I have used them over the past from a child until now, so if the doctor can’t help it is definitely worth looking into.
What is your motto for your life?
Live for now with no regrets.
Photography by SNHFOTO.COM