No technical jargon, hours of theory and booklets reading. Instead we offer practical advice that will make you a better photographer. Taught by a published photographer, small groups, understandable language fun and friendly atmosphere, excellent facilities. This is the best way to become familiar with the equipment and to meet other photographers.

*3 hour session
* Presentation of the photographers work and demonstrations relevant to areas covered

Topics covered
– Getting to know the equipment and accessories
– Intro to the basics
– Creating a studio portrait with a single flash head.
– Learning how to apply lighting backdrops to create the desired effect.
– How to sync cameras with the lighting
– Create your own portraits in small groups of 2/4 ppl implementing the areas covered.

What to bring
– Your digital SLR camera
– A memory card

Location: ICandy Studios in Bermondsey, south east London
Date: 31 July 2012
Time: 6-9pm

The photographer Jordan Roach has tons of work where he can show you his exceptional lighting techniques.