How to survive your office Christmas party!

Some people look forward to them more than others, but the Christmas Party season is now well and truly here!

Whether you like them or loathe them, there are a few ‘dos and don’ts’ that every worker should bear in mind when attending their office party.

A new infographic from lists 8 major ‘don’ts’ to get people through their own Christmas party, after all, it’s never too late to brush up on office party etiquette!

Inappropriate clothing, drunken gossip, overindulging at the buffet…all are big ‘no-nos’ according to Jobstoday

Christmas is a time to have fun . . . to eat, drink and be merry. It’s important to let your hair down, but with this helpful guide, you can ensure that you come up smelling of roses and remain in your boss’ good books the morning after the night before.

8 Things Not To Do at the Office Christmas Party

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