Are you a fan of sports? Have you always wanted to work in the sports arena? We spent a moment with Jack Kenney-Herbert from Pitch to find out exactly what it’s like to work in sports PR.

jack kenney-herbertName: Jack Kenney-Herbert
Job title: Account Executive
Company: Pitch

What does your job role entail?

In short I help manage the public perception of sports brands/organisations – whether this be through traditional public relations, managing social media channels, creating content, promoting events and so on.

Describe your working day or week?

It completely depends on what is going on in the sports agenda. Usually I’ll be meeting clients and working to their needs. This week for example I’ve been focusing on generating publicity and interest around the upcoming NBA Playoffs.

What key skills do you need to do your job?

Relationship building skills are vital, it is important that I maintain/build good working relationships with clients, the media and other people we may be dealing with. Written and verbal communication skills are also important as I’m often on the phone pitching news stories, writing audience relevant social media posts and obviously I’m in constant contact with our clients.

What made you decide to go for this job role?

Once it very quickly materialised that I had zero chance of ever playing sport for a living I decided I’d love to be involved in the business of sport. As Pitch is one of the market leaders in this respect I thought it would be a perfect fit!

Best part of your job?

Working for some of the world’s biggest sporting brands and organisations. To date I’ve worked with the NBA, Foot Locker and FIFA to name a few which has been awesome!

Worst part of your job?

Like many jobs often it can be quite stressful but the reward at the end makes it all worth it.

Most memorable moment at work?

This is a tough one. I traveled with the NBA to Istanbul when the San Antonio Spurs played Fenerbahçe which I loved, and working on Global Games London when the New York Knicks played the Milwaukee Bucks was amazing. However, as an Arsenal fan meeting Thierry Henry through work has to go down as my best moment.

If I’m choosing a course to study, what type of course suits this job best?

I studied English Literature at university which no doubt helped with my written communication. I know that a lot of universities offer PR/Marketing based courses which I’m sure would be a great help too.

Does work experience really help you to get the dream job?

Definitely, I think previous experience is key especially when trying to get into competitive industries such as sports marketing.

Give us a tip on how to steal your job.

Check the Pitch website ( for vacancies! Building up relevant experience in the sport industry would also be a massive help.

You can follow Jack on twitter @JKenneyHerbert

By @LeonardWFoster