Meet Sophie Lowe, Account Executive at The Spa PR Company. When we think Spa we think blissful moments of relaxation and wellbeing.

But does a PR role have the same feeling? We spoke to Sophie about her job role at the Spa PR company, what it takes to be an account executive, what key skills are needed to do a job role such has hers, and what inspired Sophie to work in Spa PR. This is what Sophie had to say.

Sophie LoweName: Sophie Lowe

Job title: Account Executive

Company: The Spa PR Company

What does your job role entail?

The role of an Account Executive is a busy one to say the least! My main responsibility is to support the wider team in generating positive press coverage for our portfolio of clients – whether this be through product sampling or through the organisation of press coverage. As an Account Executive I also liaise on a daily basis with the media, building and forming relationships with them, identifying news and writing newsworthy press releases.

Describe your working day or week?

I begin my day by scouring the news for any relevant stories that we can then use for our clients, I will also use this time to catch up and interact with our company twitter feed. I will then go through my emails, sorting out upcoming press coverage, press sampling and press visits. During the day I begin writing a press release on a relevant product or spa package before issuing it to the press. I will also meet with journalists in order to get to know them and discuss how we can work together further. My day usually ends with cutting the days press coverage and adding them to our press cuttings document.

What key skills do you need to do your job?

You must be a people person for this role as great communication lies at the heart of public relations. You must also be extremely organised and able to multi task. While working across a large portfolio of clients you will be switching between jobs constantly. You also must be on the ball when it comes to current news stories and be able to look at them with a creative eye to see if and how they can be used for your client.

What made you decide to go for this job role?

During university I was constantly itching to get out into the real world and begin my career. So, during my last year of university I took a risk and I found myself working full time alongside my degree with a production company as a social media assistant. I realise now that this was a lot to take on at the time, but keen to develop my skills, I took it in my stride. It was during this time that I managed to narrow my career options down and decide that the PR sector was right for me. I had always had a passion for the beauty industry, so it seemed natural to pair my passion with my job. Starting almost as soon as I finished university at an Account Executive level, I have learnt a multitude of skills and am enjoying the variety of public relations more and more by the day.

Best part of your job?

No day is ever the same!

Worst part of your job?

I’m not sure there is one, apart from sending journalists off to enjoy luxury spa breaks and holidays (I always want to go with them!)

Most memorable moment at work?

It is always amazing to see your coverage come through. There is nothing like flicking through a magazine and seeing your client there!

If I’m choosing a course to study, what type of course suits this job best?

I studied English Literature with Media Studies, but I know there are specific Public Relation courses available. I think as long as you have a creative head and enough drive, you will be ok!

Does work experience really help you to get the dream job?

Work experience definitely helped me put my foot in the door. It not only shows you have passion, but it also develops yourself as a PR employee and sets you a part from a multitude of other applicants.

Give us a tip on how to steal your job.

Ensure you are enthusiastic about what you do, set yourself a goal and go full speed ahead. You need to be passionate about what you are doing as you are essentially ‘selling in’ these products to the press!

Twitter: @sophieelowe1 @spaprcompany