18-year-old singer songwriter Ellapaige, has now released her debut EP ‘Made You Look’ (above). Her mash up video ‘Shine Bright As Long As You Love Me’ hit nearly half a million YouTube views in its first week online and having already worked with the likes of Tinchy Stryder and amassing nearly 23,000 followers on twitter @EllapaigeMusic (pretty impressive for the youngen) Ellapaige is one to watch.
We decided to not ask her the standard music questions everyone else would ask, and get her to answer something slightly more personal so that we could get in the mind of this superstar in the making. Boy and girls for that matter, listen-up, it makes for good reading.
What features do you look for in a man?
I always fall for a smile. Someone who can make me laugh, talent is a turn on, and also someone who is hardworking! I’m very ambitious and I’m drawn to other people that are the same.
What would be your ideal first date?
I’m not overly fussed about where but more about the person I’m with, you can have fun anywhere as long as you get on with the person you’re with! But saying that I’ve always thought going to a concert would be a really fun and exciting date! It’s also something you can bond over if you both like a particular artist
Do you believe in Splitting the bill on the first date?
If a guy offers then allow him too but if he doesn’t make it clear at the beginning them split it.
Biggest misconception about the opposite sex?
Probably that all guys want one thing. They are genuine people that want to talk to you for the right reasons you just gotta find them!
Give us 1 do and 1 don’t do on a first date.
Do smell really good. Don’t talk about yourself too much, always ask questions directed at your date.
By Leonard W Foster
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