How to date Delora girl band @wearedelora

Delora girl band were the first band invited by Island Records to take part in their new Fan Republic platform, and after a hugely successful campaign they attracted the interest of Darcus Beese and Louis Bloom, President and head of A&R at Island Records.

They have since performed at the TMRW magazine store opening party with Josh Record, and recently played the Strongbow stage at The Isle of Wight Festival, with a few more festivals to come this summer including the BBC introducing stage at Rhythms of The World. Their most recent single, Come Alive, which is featured on the upcoming EP was championed by BBC introducing and they have since been asked to perform sessions for the likes of Asos, Amazon and OnePiece. All within just 6 months of being a band.


We decided to get closer to the girl band and ask them those all important dating questions.

Who is the last person on earth, you would go on a date with?
Lucy: Spencer Matthews – cos’ everyone dates him!
Lauren: Paris Hilton – too high maintenance!
Rose: Prince Harry – not cut out for royalty!

What things shouldn’t you talk about on a first date?
Lucy: You shouldn’t talk about other people that you wanna get on’
Lauren: You shouldn’t mention your most recent break up, especially if it’s the waiter!
Rose: Discussing future baby names or weddings!

Best place to go on a first date:
Lucy: Going out on boats and snorkelling would be fun
Lauren: A museum, somewhere really interesting like the Science Museum in London.
Rose: Somewhere quiet like the beach and going skinny dipping

What was your biggest misconception with men while you where growing up?
Growing up, you find that all men are not the same, and they don’t have a fixed stereotype, that is portrayed in fairytales!

Where’s the best place to pick someone up?
Lucy: At partys
Lauren: At a gig, because you immediately have something in common
Rose: In a funny situation, like Halloween! Where everyone is in a silly costume like a giant banana, it is something to laugh about straight away.

How do you feel about guys using their phones a lot while on a date?
We all hate it, its not cool, time to leave.

On a bad date, whats your exit strategy?
Lucy: ‘point’ “ohh whats that!” and just walk away
Lauren: set an alarm to go off on your phone, then pretend its an incoming call and that its an emergency, “my Grandmas having a baby!”
Rose: go to the loo to touch up your makeup and jump out the window and make a run for it!

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