I guess it’s what most of us solo travellers do without even knowing it anymore. I’ve travelled a lot around the world, sure there are moments where I like to be left alone, but there are plenty of moments where just like that, the world provides me with some kind of company.

My first travel romance started off quite innocently, he was here in Sydney for a week for work. We met and we kicked it off and the next thing you know we were spending everyday together. This one is not your typical travellers romance, as he ended up being my boyfriend afterwards (ex-boyfriend now). But I remember that feeling, the passion and fighting against the clock. We enjoyed every moment together and well when he left. We still kept in touch and he’s my best friend today.

Not all travel romances end up as relationships though. The other ones have been in Paris, Buenos Aires and more,  however so much more brief, more intense but definitely ones that have made me look at relationships so much more differently. It taught me that sometimes it is ok to be able to spend and share an absolutely beautiful moment with someone even if it’s only for a mere moment. It also taught me how to be kinder to the people you may meet in your life. It also showed me that we put so much pressure on relationships to work.

Whilst the others have just became amazing friends of mine, and there are some I no longer speak to but have fond memories of. It has always been so nice to be able to look back and appreciate that time. It taught me how easy it can be to fall in love with a complete stranger, and it also taught me how quickly we could fall out. Lust, or whatever you want to call it, but at that time it is what it is. It teaches you that time, well, time isn’t everything.