Having a laugh with X-Factor’s JLS

Vocal harmony group and X-Factor finalists JLS (which stands for Jack the Lad Swing) have been quiet of late. So Flavour caught up with the boys – Aston, JB, Marvin and Oritsé – to talk bad habits, Michael Jackson and celebrity crushes.

Who are your musical heroes and villains (who do you love /hate) and why?
Aston: “Ummm Michael Jackson, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Mario, only because they are all round performers and they don’t just sing sitting there on a stool, they get up and dance, they make a party, they make a room rock.

Villains – I would have to say, I don’t really have any, I like all types of music. But if I had to go there, I’d probably say Mr Blobby’s single and the Teletubbies something like that.

Marvin: “Michael Jackson. Being influenced by him from when I was tiny, walking around thinking I was him. No one else even comes close to mike. And person I hate… you know when you release a single and there’s some sort of cartoon and dance song that comes out and everyone’s crazy about it, like ‘The Catch Up Song’ or something ridiculous like that. Their the ones that come in and spoil you going to the top spots, something stupid, like a novelty dance or cartoon act.”

Any interesting stories you can tell us about any of the X factor judges?
JB: “An interesting story I can tell you about Louis is that we were in the corridor before one of the rehearsals for X Factor, and Austin came along talking as usual and he said ‘Oh guys, I could be the 5th member of JLS, we would be like the Jackson 5’ and Louis walked past and was like ‘Austin, if you were in the Jackson 5 you would be LaToya’ chucks his hand up and walked off, which was quite funny at the time.”

Oritse: “Hmmm the one that really springs to mind is our mentor, Louis Walsh. During while we were in the bottom two, he cried. You know he was so emotional because you know he didn’t want us to leave the show, so that’s maybe one thing you didn’t know.”

Do they have any bad habits?
Aston: “Simon does, Simon, hell just do this (swivels his chair around )He’ll turn around and listen to you like this, with his back to you. He doesn’t like to look at you when you sing. So that can be hard when someone’s turned around when your singing.”

Marvin: “Simon’s bad habits, he always sits there and chews his pen. He’ll chew the whole pen, he used to do it the whole time.
Louis used to get Oritse’s name wrong, he used to say “next up we have got Marvin, Aston, JB & O-ree-sha, its O-ree-shay, so yeah Louis used to get Oritse’s name wrong”

Do you have any celebrity crushes? Who would you most like to get it on with?
JB: “Wow my celebrity crush would have to be Megan Fox, although I didn’t get to see her at the Tranformers Premiere. If I could I would like to see what would happen there.”

Oritse: “Do I have any celebrity crushes, let me think…(starts to sing) you can stand under my umberella, ella ella … rhianna”

JLS will be appearing next week in episode six of Sony Ericsson’s Pocket TV


JLS will be appearing next week in episode six of Sony Ericsson’s Pocket TV

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