Griminal: Young, smart & talented

Rocking a fitted jacket and a bow tie, Griminal is dressed in attire that is a far cry from the clothes he wears daily. “It’s not something I’ve rocked before but it’s cool. Something new!” he says. The 18 year-old Londoner is currently studying music at college and isn’t afraid to show his style and versatility, although he admits he usually wears hoodies, baggy jeans and Nike trainers – mostly Air Max. “I’m a bit of collector, I’ve got mad boxes stacked in my room. I could do with some more though!” For someone so young, Griminal has a mature head on his shoulders. “You need education,” he states. “I love my music. It’s good to pursue what you’re passionate about, but get an education so you have a back-up plan.” Griminal grew up around music and is also a member of The Nasty Crew alongside his brother Marcus Nasty. His song Invincible is out now.


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