Fake Club have announced the release of their brand new single, ‘Bullet Brain’ which is self released and OUT NOW. You will also see them in the movie POWDER ROOM this year starring Jaime Winston, Sheridan Smith and Kate Nash. We managed to get them to answer some of our questions below.
Describe Fake Club on 3 words.
Who are your musical inspirations/ who do you look up to in the music industry?
Basically anything involving Dave Grohl… he’s our total idol. Josh Homme of course is a massive one for us… got a chance to hang out with him at the iTunes Festival which was INSANE. Any one who’s out there keeping rock alive… playing solos, banging heads, working hard, inspires us.
Where do you see yourself in 2-3 years time?
PLAYING. Hopefully on the biggest stages we can blag our way on to. Chloe’s arm around Dave Grohl, Steven Tyler wooping uncontrollably in the front row, throwing his underwear at us and stuff, Alex Turner and Josh Homme back stage afterwards trying to work out Carmen’s solos and John Bonham back from the dead telling Aicha she nailed it, all the pretty standard stuff a band wants.
What is the best thing about making music?
EVERYTHING. Being a musician and making music and playing shows is the best job in the WORLD!
We saw you in the new movie Powder Room, how did that come about?
We got approached by the films director ‘MJ Delany‘ to ‘curate the sound track’ to her first feature film. Although we weren’t entirely sure what that was going to entail, we of course said yes cos it sounded like fun and great experience for a new band like us. We then found out ‘curating the sound track’ meant sourcing every song in the film, which included an finding an amazing selection of artists and also using a load of our own material, some that we already had written and some that we wrote specifically for the film. We then got to appear in the film quite heavily, which is totally weird. And now are going see our big stupid faces on cinema screens, which is mental. Great experience all round, totally exceeded our expectations.
What was it like working on set with Jaime Winston, Sheridan Smith and Kate Nash?
It was great fun- everyone working on the film was wicked. It was basically just like being on an actual night out with a load of girls. Lots of shots and ‘Lambrini’.
Which band member gets the most attention from the opposite sex?
Shouldn’t the question be…’which band member gives the opposite sex the most attention…?’
What would be your ideal first date?
‘FAKE CLUB’ gig or a trip to the cinema to see ‘POWDER ROOM‘.
Do you believe in Splitting the bill on the first date?
We don’t have time for dating
Biggest misconception about the opposite sex?
That they can do things better than girls can.
Give us 1 do and 1 don’t do on a first date
The only thing resembling a date that any of us have been on recently is, with each other, to Denmark street, to buy some strings and a jack to jack cable. It was pretty romantic.
Who are your biggest rivals in the music industry?
‘Susan Boyle’, we heard a couple of tracks off her new album and that chick knows how to shred, fingers like Hendrix and beats like Bonham. Its intimidating.
What makes Fake Club different?
Everything and nothing. We’re not rewriting the rule book- but if you come see us live we don’t think you’ll have seen anything like us before. We hope.
What are you most looking forward to in the new year?
Going over to America. We have got a load of gigs at high schools booked in and literally CAnT WAIT! England is our home and our blood, but we can’t wait to go and play some American stages, we love the challenge of a whole new country.
How long have you been together as a band? What has been the best thing to happen to you as a band in that time?
Been together just over a year. Every gig we do is the best thing thats happened to us. We just LOVE playing. We would do it every single day if we could.
What was the inspiration for the new song “bullet brain”?
BRAINS with BULLETS in them
Buy new single Bullet Brain now: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/
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By Sara Cash
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