After the amazing success of our pilot TalkThatTalk show with Princess Nyah, we are back again at the youtube studios to bring you the 2014 TalkThatTalk series.
Hosted by @PrincessNyah and co hosts @ChannetteCarleo @NakiyaMilan @MsMirandaLoy tune in right here on at 5pm on Wednesday 29th Jan or get fully interactive by going to our google+ fan page where you can also send in LIVE questions to the show.
Topic 1 – Side of Peri chip’s
It is no secret that men like to play the field, as far back as King Henry the 8th and his fleet of wives it is deemed the ‘norm’ for some women to be happy with playing the position of side chick?
Topic 2 – Bum Implants’
Long gone are the day’s of the idealised boob job, it’s the year 2014 and the all important buttocks is probably the most popular of surgeries of the decade. Be it a Brazilian But injections or the traditional 30 day squat challenge Want to show this video before we kick off the convo & I have images to show through out.
“TRASH TALK” – News Just In
Selfie Of The Week
Use hashtag #TalkThatTalk through out the show to share opinions and get involved in the conversation.
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