Exclusive UK Interview: Point North

point north

For those that haven’t heard of Point North, where the heck have you been? Point North is the newest but coolest band on the scene.

Point North, a band from Southern California, consists of band members Jon, Benji, Brady and Andy. I was told the other day that pop-punk is dying but they haven’t heard of these guys yet! From the release of their new EP, there is no doubt that these guys will be insanely popular! I love their track “Dearly Departed” and I think I’ve definitely listened to it over 100 times… oops! Point North is definitely a band to watch, I can see these guys playing Slam Dunk or even Reading.

I caught up with Benji and Brady when I was in Los Angeles, showing me round the city, I wanted to grab a insight of what it’s actually like to be a new band in city crowded with them.

How did you guys first meet?

Benji – We actually all met each other through previous music projects that we were in. Jon was in two bands before Point North, one with Andy and the other with Brady and I. Once Jon, Brady, and I decided to start Point North and we figured out the direction and sound we were going for, it only made sense that we join forces with Andy.

Tell me about your EP?

Benji – Our EP “A Light In A Dark Place” represents the feeling of finding hope in a seemingly impossible situation. We combined all of our personal life stories as well as our individual musical backgrounds to create a hybrid of the modern pop-punk and old-school emo melodies and themes that we love so much. We hope that through this, people of all ages and from all different scenes will be able to relate to it and find their own personal connection to the music. We wrote the EP with no intentions or premeditated ideas of what we wanted to end up with, so it’s definitely a genuine and emotional collections of songs for us, and hopefully to those that listen too.

What is your favourite track from the EP?

Benji – Tough choice! I think if I had to pick a favourite off of the EP it would probably be the second song, “Conditions.” I love all the other songs just as much, but that song has the most personal meaning to me, so I always find myself jamming that one when I’m in the car or when I pick up a guitar.

Brady – My favourite song would have to be “Empathy”. The lyrical content of the song is actually taken from the show “Stranger Things” and follows the story arc of Mike & Eleven. I always thought that this twist on a classic “guy wants the girl” song was interesting and a fun, fictional yet relatable, viewpoint to write from.

How would you describe your music to people?

Benji – I feel like it’s the kind of music you put on when you feel like you’ve lost everything and you need something to help you find a silver lining in a seemingly hopeless situation.

Brady – I’d probably say its “ Super Cool”.

Who are your biggest musical influences?

Benji – I grew up in the pop-punk scene, so my biggest influences are bands like All Time Low, Sum 41, Paramore, Mayday Parade, etc. –

Brady- Blink-182, The Story So Far, Neck Deep, basically anything I can do the Tom DeLonge voice to. –

Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Benji – 2 shots of whiskey (minimum)

Brady – 2 hours of bass lessons (minimum)

Have you had any embarrassing moments on stage?

Benji – Yes, plenty. One time I jumped on my riser for a guitar solo, slipped, and proceeded to literally do half a backflip and completely eat it. Still kept playing though!

Brady – One time I was playing on a stage made of mobile risers and someone forgot to lock the wheels of one of them. As I was running around playing, the risers started to separate and I fell through the stage during a jump. I didn’t keep playing.

Are you planning on touring this year?

Benji – Yes! Not sure when or where yet, but we will know very soon. We can’t wait to get out on the road and see all those sexy faces!

Brady – If they let me come with.

What would be your dream festival to perform at?

Benji – My dream festival to perform at would probably be Coachella since I’m a generic Southern California kid, but I’ve always had a dream of headlining Reading or Leeds Festival.

Brady – Super basic, but I’d love to play all of warped tour. Growing up and going to the tour every year and working a lot of it, getting to play would be a dream come true.

What are your plans this year?

Benji – Keep making music and get out on the road! We’ve had so much fun releasing all the things we put together this last year, but we’re ready to take it to the next level throughout 2017.

Brady – Hmm bass lessons.

Keep an out for these guys! I have a feeling that 2017 is going to be their year!

Follow @PointNorthBand on twitter and @JustCallMeBenji @bradyszuhaj 
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