
When was the last time you took a walk in your neighbourhood without seeing a vaping device in someone’s hands? Vaping devices have become largely visible in our communities globally.

As more and more people choose vaping as a substitute to cigarettes, the number of people vaping is designated to hit 55 million by 2021. The dominant period of nicotine products is also slowly reducing as different vaping innovations are being introduced. We will spell out how the vaping industry is changing and also touch on the future of non-nicotine vaping merchandise.

Nicotine Vaping Trends

Although vaping is a global phenomenon, it is mainly centralized in the US. European countries such as the UK, France and Germany, are also large vaping markets. Other countries like China, Russia, and South Africa make up the top ten.

Vape pens have seen a growing demand in the last few years. The main reason for such growth is that people see it as a healthier alternative to smoking. According to a UK study, 54% of vapers are reported to be ex-smokers who want a healthier alternative to smoking. Of the rest, 40% smoke and vape while only 6% have never smoked. It also helps smokers ease out of their addiction in a gentler way compared to other options such as cold turkey.

Cigarettes are harmful because of the over 7,000+ chemicals they contain. Essentially, smoking cigarettes is taking in a mixture of smoke and tar. Vape juices, on the other hand, are a relatively safe choice. Vape juices are made up mainly of water, nicotine, flavours, and propylene glycerol.

Although nicotine vapes are addictive, the growing demand for alternatives for nicotine vape juice has increased over time. Below are some alternatives to nicotine vapes.

Vaping Essential Oils

Vaping essential oil which consists of oil, water and glycerine is common among vapers. They use these components to create a cloud of vapour and have attested to how it has benefited them not only medically but recreationally too.

As much as these essential oils are considered safe for inhalation, experts have sent a warning concerning the essential oils. When the oil is heated above 150-180 degrees, it becomes volatile, making it unsafe for inhalation. In light of this, always make sure you purchase the best vape starter kit

Vaping Cannabis

Various vendors have benefited from the legalization of marijuana and cannabidiol (CBD) by selling CBD vape oil.  About 9 states in the US and some other countries have legalized cannabis. This has encouraged more companies to design products around cannabis such as CBD oil vape pens.

Although it is growing, CBD oil vaping has its long chain of problems. In 2019, there was an outbreak of vaping-related illnesses in the US. In all over 2,000 cases were counted across 49 states. Of the 2,000 cases, 34 deaths were recorded. 84% of those deaths were directly attributed to the use of cannabis vaping products.

You can never be sure of the content of CBD oil. That is why it is advisable that you only purchase your oil from states and countries that have legalized the use of cannabis. These regions often have the regulatory framework and structures to ensure quality control. Try as much as possible not to order cannabis products online unless the site has evidence of certification. Online sources are usually not intensively checked compared to the store-bought ones.


Energy Vapes

Have you ever wondered about a good substitute to an early morning cup of coffee? Energy vapes have been promoted to serve as a great substitute for not only a coffee but energy drinks as well. They contain various energizers such as caffeine, taurine and even guarana.

They are designed to replenish the body’s store of energy. However, Physicians have stated that abuse of these vapes could lead to health issues relating to cardiac and also affect the normal rhythm of the heart.

Vaping Vitamins

Vitamins are critical for the healthy development of the body. Since 2014, several companies have invented vape kits that can be used to vape vitamins. Vapers who are health conscious have resorted to such vape pens. Vitamin vapes provide an easier way for vitamins to get into the body.  With just a single puff, vitamins can get into your bloodstream directly. 

These vapes are touted to be able to deliver vitamins straight into the bloodstream and are said to be a better means than taking the vitamins orally. However, just like other vapes, vitamin vapes have a caveat. Not all vitamins are sufficient for vaping. Some may be deadly if used wrongly.

Particularly with open vapes where users are allowed to adjust levels of substances, a lot could go wrong. You should only use vape vitamins after you’ve extensively read on them. You should only proceed after consultation with your doctor.

Concluding Thoughts

With its user population set to reach close to 60 million, the vaping industry is growing at a fast rate. The vaping industry will expand as more people find alternatives to nicotine. Various substitutes such as energy, vitamin and even cannabis vapes will only continue to grow in popularity.

Never neglect user guidelines concerning such products. Research about the content of vapes and always buy from a credible seller or vendor. By doing this, you will not only have a more satisfying vaping experience but you would also save yourself from any health risks.