Excessive dampness in the home can lead to a variety of problems, including mould growth, musty odours, and potential structural damage.

However, with some simple strategies, you can help keep your home dry and comfortable. Today, we will provide tips on reducing dampness through proper ventilation, moisture barriers, and using equipment like sump pumps when needed. Following these steps can help create a healthier living environment and prevent costly repairs down the road.

Sump Pumps

For homes with basements or cellars built below ground level, excessive moisture can be an ongoing issue. If your cellar regularly floods, installing a sump pump may be necessary. A sump pump sits in a pit or sump basin in the lowest part of your cellar. It activates automatically when water collects in the sump basin, pumping it out through a discharge pipe to the exterior of your home. This helps keep cellars dry by constantly removing groundwater seepage.

When shopping for a sump pump in the UK, look for one with a battery backup system in case of power outages. The pump should have an adequate pumping capacity for the size of your cellar as well. Be sure to find the best sump pump to suit your needs so it can effectively keep your cellar dry.

Proper Ventilation

Unless you’re going to sell your home and get a job on a super yacht, you’re going to have to take care of your property. One of the best ways to do this is by ensuring your home is properly ventilated. Water vapour is produced all the time through cooking, showering, breathing, and other daily activities. If this moisture doesn’t have anywhere to go, it can condense on cool surfaces and lead to dampness issues.

Make sure to run exhaust fans while cooking and showering. Open windows periodically throughout the day, especially after activities that produce a lot of humidity. Use extractor fans in rooms prone to moisture like kitchens, bathrooms, and laundries. Keep internal doors open as much as possible to allow airflow throughout the home.

Moisture Barriers

Another damp prevention strategy is using moisture barriers in key areas. This helps block water from seeping in from the outside or spreading through walls and floors.

On the exterior of your home, make sure any underground walls have a waterproof membrane. This barrier keeps ground moisture from being absorbed into the foundation. You can also install a damp proof course – a layer of water-resistant material in walls a few feet above ground level. This helps prevent rising damp.

Inside, materials like polythene sheets under floors, Drizone membranes behind plaster, and water-resistant paints can help contain moisture. Fill any cracks and holes that could let damp spread from outside. With effective interior and exterior barriers, it’s much easier to maintain dry conditions.

Excessive dampness doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of living in the UK. With good ventilation habits, moisture barriers in key locations and equipment like sump pumps when required, you can help maintain a dry, comfortable home. You can save the water activities for a Gulf Islands waterpark!