Dwayne Fields has already travelled to the North Pole back in 2010 and now he is preparing to venture to the South Pole. Dwayne is raising money for charity to support the African-Caribbean Leukaemia Trust and hopes to not only raise money, but also awareness in the importance of signing the bone marrow register.

Dwayne’s journey to the South Pole will see him crowned as the only African-Caribbean male in the world to have achieved the challenge and has already got support from The Queen after visiting her in Buckingham Palace last week. He is also supported by Choice FM’s Martin Jay and Tony Jarrett as well as being sponsored by SNO!zone and Diamond Thoughts. We wish him luck on his challenging adventure!








  1. Good luck to Dwayne and well done for supporting the ACLT. Let’s hope you inspire others to follow suit!

    An incredible challenge to take part in and achieve, I wish you all the best.

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