Stylist to stars Denise Brown (Kanye West, Mr Hudson, Reggie Yates) and talented fashion designer Rowenna Clifford are the amazing teacher’s at the helm of DV8’s Introduction to fashion and styling course.
This course gives 16-19 year-olds the chance to get their name out there in the world of fashion and design, create their own brand and design, customise and create a line of caps, t-shirts and accessories, and design and produce a range of Ladies & Men’s designer outfits and set up a website to sell their designs.
EGA music artists Ny, Griminal and Code Red will model their designs and they will also be featured at an exclusive fashion show – Eastside Stories at Stratford Circus.
They will also gain other qualifications in Art & Design, Numeracy, ITC and Literacy.
Contact Dv8 Training on 0208 509 6070 or checkout their website
Check out the designs from the last fashion students who were inspired by fairytales.

DV8 was such an awesome experience …… would totally do it again…
and look at me in my dress 😀 😀 😀 😀