Drake copying..tut tut?!

Mason Noise is a new name to the crop of UK male singers with the talent to dance while singing!

Anyhow I am assured that we are going to be hearing a lot from this guy soon judging by his most recent track. Blow The Doors Off is a up tempo urban bomb. I have been meaning to get around to this for time so full apolos to Sebastien and Mason-better late than never I expect!

The Blow The Doors Off video is distinctive for its high levels of production-it has an Stateside look in truth complete with the aircraft hanger shot and of course the plane. Maximum respect has to be given to the brains behind this video being Mason’s manager Sebastien-(noted Melody  Keys the model in there adding a bit of the glam by the way).

While the vid has certain classy feel the noise (check the pun) is around the fact that Drake’s latest vid for Holding On featuring Majid (great track I hasten to add) seems to have done a bit of copying from Mason.

There are a lot of similarities but hey have a look and tell me what you think?

Drake - Hold On, We’re Going Home ft. Majid Jordan

Mason Noise


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