Latest Ridley Scott’s thriller is kind of hard and violent movies, it consists of amount of violence, sex and blood scenes and may cause a little confusion. However, when you start watching the movie, you will get used to specific aesthetics of the movie. Someone could ask does this movie really have to include so many violence and does it worth it? Well, this is one of the few cases when we can say that cruelty is justified. This is not a happy ending movie, it tells about the cruel world of the drug business. You can check out the movie by watching The Counsellor trailer.


​Ridley Scott shows where the avarice, greed and going for the gold may lead to in a very honest way. The main character is left unnamed and everyone calls him Counsellor, is a successful lawyer, he lives in a fancy apartment, drives a classy car, can afford a plane ticket to fly to another country and buy there an engagement ring for his girlfriend. He definitely was involved in some dirty deeds but always got away. You can earn millions and millions of dollars but it always just isn’t enough. And his greed leads him straight to the drug trafficking world. The deal is very risky but the main character can gain lots of money. He ignores warnings from his business partners and accepts the deal, which becomes a true disaster and now Counsellor and his loved ones are in deadly danger.


​The movie keeps in tension from the first minutes, it is full of great and informative conversations, incredible characters, and the atmosphere is so intensive, like it is telling that something bad and irreversible is about to happen.


​No doubt that the movie is successful thanks to its amazing actors. Film makers did a great job by creating characters and choosing the cast. The best Hollywood stars will surely impress the movie audience. Michael Fassbender is a very attractive actor; he plays the main role, a self-confident lawyer who starts to act in unusual way at the end. Javier Bardem, what can we expect from the Oscar award owner? His character is kind of weird figure in the drug business and it makes him one of the most recognizable characters of the movie. He is a true genius and his play is just excellent. Penelope Cruz is beautiful and womanish as always, she plays Counsellor’sgirlfriend who, unfortunately, doesn’t understand that she is ready to tie her life with a very bad guy.


​But all these stars fade away when it comes to Cameron Diaz. She is a real centrepiece of the movie and her appearance is absolutely new. She is a vamp, cold and heartless but incredibly astonishing woman. Her negative character helped Cameron to open something new in her playing manner.


​This movie is truthful, violent, scary and maybe a little hopeless. But we all live in the real world and it is normal when bad things happen. Ridley Scott shows how cruel and miserable this world can be when you follow wrong wishes and make incorrect decisions. ​



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