Just watched the cutest cat video! If you’re a cat person like I am, then you’ve probably tried to buy your cat a few toys and treats over the years, because your cat deserves it.

Picture the scene you walk into a pet store, to try and find a new toy for your cat to play with, and you think to yourself’ “great my cat would love this”. Until you bring it home and they seem more interested in the packaging than in the toy itself. D’oh!! Oh well, best laid plans…. and all that.

Felix the cat gif

Watching this video “How To Please Your Cat…” is hilarious and so true. Watch these owners as they go above and beyond for their little rascals. One even builds a hole Cat gym but does this black and white cat even notice…….. err I’m sure he would if wasn’t to busy playing with the box that the Cat Gym came out of. We can all relate to these scenarios; why do they want to play games at the most inconvenient times?  As in when we’ve already gone to bed. Why do they try and find the warmest spots in the house and in the strangest of places? I remember one time the warmest spot in the house ended up being my head! This video just goes to show that these little guys have idea’s unto themselves.

This video made me remember all those funny times and how these little felines make us laugh, make us crazy and certainly keep us on our toes. Life wouldn’t be the same with out them!

If you want to check out more cute and funny cat video’s take a look at our selection below:

Disclosure: This sponsored article was written in partnership with Felix