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Sex and the City 2 review

Cinema Reviewers can be a funny lot. No sooner had SATC2 premiered on our fair shores than the internet was awash with articles so chock full of indignation, disgust and outrage you’d be forgiven for thinking the journalists passed out after writing them. Apparently, SATC2 is woefully reductive in it’s portrayal of middle aged women, thin on substance and a little...

Noel Clarke and Shanika Warren-Markland: Stars of

noel clarke shanika warren-markland cover shoot

Award-winning actor, screenwriter and director Noel Clarke is set to cause a storm with his latest offering, heist movie We get the lowdown on this new British film from the man himself and one of his female leads, the ever-engaging Shanika Warren-MarklandWith his 2008 directorial debut Adulthood grossing over £3 million at the UK box office, Noel Clarke has...