Batman v Superman: Amy Adams is smokin hot GQ photo shoot

Amy Adams smoking hot in GQ photo shoot

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice star Amy Adams looks smoking hot in her new GQ cover shoot which is out now.

Amy Adams the ‘Red Hot Bombshell’ who flaunted her acting skill as well as her curvaceous body in American Hustle is the cover girl for GQ.

Speaking on the pay gap between men and women and knowing that had been paid less, Amy Adams says,

“Yeah, I did. I didn’t speak about it before and I’m probably not going to speak about it forever, because I disagreed with… not Jennifer per se, but people who had opinions on how women should go about negotiating. The truth is we hire people to negotiate on our behalf, men and women… I knew I was being paid less and I still agreed to do it because the option comes down to do it or don’t do it. So you just have to decide if it’s worth it for you. It doesn’t mean I liked it.”

Amy Adams photographed by Norman Jean Roy © GQ

On Jennifer Lawrence’s addressing the pay gap, Amy Adams also states,

“I’m really proud of Jennifer. What I liked is that it was not necessarily about getting paid, or not getting paid… It’s like we [women] have been conditioned to not be controversial, to not cause problems. It’s about finding your voice.”

See more of Amy Adams on GQ 

Remember this?

And here is some more stunning photos of the red hot girl next, Amy Adams from Vanity Fair and more.

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