Alena Valastnykh is a ISSA certified Personal Trainer, WBFF Diva Bikini athlete and model. We pulled her away for a quickkie on health and fitness, training, fashion and more.

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On training….

Whats your measurements?
Height 1,74 5’8″1\2
Size 40 8
Bust 89 35
Waist 64 25 1\2
Hips 90 35 1\2

What’s your key to looking good?
My key to looking good is the harmony between my body and soul. Yes, we all are working hard in order to achieve a better body but for me the most important thing is to feeling good and being happy.

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Give us your top training tip?
My top training tips are, do what your personally enjoy.
Have a strong imagination what kind of body you want to achieve and keep that image in your head.
Be consistent. Work hard. Believe in yourself and love yourself!
And yes! I can’t do anything without a good music!

Do you ever feel under pressure in a gym full of men?
Oh wow! No! Of course no! I love attention. It’s the best motivation for me. I’ve never felt more confident and feminine that in the gym that full of strong men’s energy.

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What are your training goals for 2015?
In 2015 I’m planning to compete again with WBFF in diva bikini category. I am eager to gain more muscles. I’m hard gainer but I truly believe that with clean eating and good training you can get what you want. I’m really can’t wait to see what I’ll bring to the stage this year.

What’s does your diet consist of?
I’m a believer in 80/20 system. I’m eating clean 80% of my meals and 20% is for my cheat meal. I drink plenty of water. It works good for me and helps me stay on track. When I’m on prep I’m following my macros but in offseason I’m listening to my body. Intuition is great thing for me. Anyway I eat lots of veggies and any kinds of proteins.

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Is it expensive to keep up a healthy diet?
No it’s not. You always have a choice. I think trash food is not cheaper because in the end you are paying with your health.

If I can’t cook, what’s tips can you give to prepare a simply yet healthy meal.
Simply salads! I’m not a great chef. So when I’m rushing I just put salads in the bowl and add some protein such a ready horse meet carpaccio or tuna with lemon and pepper. Simply and easy that’s my kind of “fast food”.

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On men and women…

Do you get a lot of attention with a body like yours. Is the attention mostly from men or women?
Well I’ve been working as a model before almost for 10 years so I would say that I’m not even noticing that. But my friends are saying that I attract attention from both men and women. Anyway I would rather keep attention on my personality then just an appearance.

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On fashion…

If you wanted to buy a sexy dress, where would be your first choice fashion store to shop?
I’m a rare women who doesn’t like shopping. But if I should buy a sexy dress for some special occasion I would rather go to fashion store and choose something very special and really mine.

What’s your favourite lingerie brand?
My favourite is “intimissimi” and of course fancy “Victoria’s secret“.

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What’s your favourite make up brand?
I use a bit of everything but most of my makeup stuff coming from Mac cosmetics and Dior.

Short skirt or leggings?
I wear both. That’s why I’m working hard in a gym to looking good in everything.

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High heels or comfy flats?
Daily nikes, nikes and nikes. But for going out are highest hill shoes.

And finally give us all your social network urls so that we can follow you.

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By  Carla Curva  &  photo’s courtesy of Simon Howard